Is this for you?!

This is for you, if you have the following: a sense of humor, understanding of sarcasm, if you aren't easily offended by what is reality in my world and if you like to follow someone else's life so you don't have to think about the pile of laundry, sink full of dirty dishes, overflowing trashcans, unkempt lawn, dusty surfaces and unswept floors at your own house! Oh, and if you can handle this girl referring to herself in the 3rd person...(see, not for everyone!) This is not for you if: you can't handle all of the above (and more). For those of you who can, welcome to my world friends! Enjoy!

Monday, November 14, 2011

TGTWIO- (aka Thank God The Weekend Is Over!)

I have been dreading this weekend for a long time, not only because it meant my baby monster was growing up (turning 1) but because I had little/no time to prepare for his party since I've been decorating and we committed to go to the Iowa/MSU football game on Saturday.  So I had to prep for Tailgate, make all the food, (with the exception of the Veggie Bars provided by my mother-in-law) decorate the cake, clean the house, etc.

Here's a VERY brief photo recap

Time to make cake!

Finished cakes, went to the freezer on Monday night to be thawed and decorated Sunday morning.

My baby monster was playing 'Gladiator' while I was cooking.

On Friday, I rolled out fondaunt to add to his cake.  It had to dry for 2 days.

My arms hurt from rolling all these stupid little balls.  Someday I'm going to take up working out... Someday.

Baby Monster's finished cake.

A new snow sled!  Can't wait to take this out and use it!

Some MSU gear after a big Victory Saturday.

A very fortunate boy who will have lots to keep him busy in the coming year.
 And then his mom fell in to bed exhausted at 945pm.  Shortly after, the baby monster awoke crying and did so periodically throughout the night.  He ended up in her bed, mule kicking her in the stomach until 6am.
Then, I dragged my butt outside after work today to get the garland and bows out before it gets any colder.  I've not even plugged them in yet, but this looks to be the last reasonably warm day for a while.

Yes Mom, I realize I need to get my garland hoops even... I will, when I get some help...Next week.  I'm also short 2 bows-I'll pick them up Friday on 'errand day'.

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