This weekend and every weekend until the second weekend in January, we have something to do. Traveling, weddings, football games, family in, birthdays, holidays, etc. I looked at my calendar last week, noticed this, and about fainted.
This morning, we didn't have the girls, but they had two soccer games in 2 different towns. Fun game. So we took Guyface to both of them, in the 50 degree weather. He was a good boy. Biggest Sister's game was first, then Big Sister's. Biggest Sister sat laughing at Big Sister's team and their ability (this is where I am going to need to remember to get video in the future, I'm pretty sure, three years ago, we found ourselves watching the same little girl, except her hair was red) she needed to be distracted.
In an effort to provide a distraction, Grandpa (known as 'Flash) decided to 'race'. He's trouble. So he races her, then she rests, then her dad races her...then she starts harping on me to race her. I couldn't resist a challenge. So I did, I gave her a head start and let her win like I was suppose to, it wasn't fun for me. I think I pulled my left quad and twisted my ankle and I am sure my heart has not had that much blood pumping through it since high school soccer-yeah, I'm getting old. The whole time I'm thinking, why don't you bug your mom?? And then I decided I was happy that she wants to play with me, even though it's her mom's weekend.
So after we raced, there were a few things that I wanted to work with her on after watching her game. Now, let's be clear, I was on the team, but I wasn't good. I played because my friends played-did I enjoy Greg making us run our asses off at practice? No. I didn't, but you know what, I had a great time and have great memories from those seasons. I feel like if I would have had a little more instruction as a youngster, I might have been better when I was in high school. And even if that wouldn't have helped, I'm going to do my darndest to make sure I pass as much knowledge and skill to the children (all the children) as possible.
[In the back of my mind, I'm thinking, I'm only 22 years older than Payton, what is it going to be like when Guyface is 6 and I'm (gulp) over 30???? I can't even think about that now. ]
So, I took her over to an empty field and we worked on a few things. And I may have knocked her down a few times and played rough with her and you know what, it didn't hurt her a bit to fall on her bottom or have someone kick her in the shin guards. We played for about 30 minutes, what I would consider (at this point in my existence) hard. She kept calling to her dad to come help her because I was beating her...and of course her mom kept turning around, once when she bit it on her face, but you know what, she was fine and she was having fun.
Sometimes, throughout my journey as a step-parent, I've found it very hard to find my place. I'm not 'Mom', but I have a lot of mom-like characteristics. I'm not just another woman in their lives, I think I'm more important than that, and I think they'd agree. It's kind of tough to find the place you fit with each child, because where you fit with one, isn't always where you fit with the other. I've found it a little easier now that I have a baby of my own. He's mine and he's getting me and only me as him Mama whether he likes it or not, he has no other options, but the girls do.
So after I sacrificed my body in the name of step-parenting (sheesh, maybe I should start working out), I came home to make my monster some more baby food. His daddy, of course, was off to have fun, playing in a golf tournament. He liked the food so much last time and I had a number of things in my pantry and refrigerator that needed to be eaten and are great choices for a little monster, that I thought I should probably make some more.
I know there are some recipes out there for baby food, but I kind of look at it like this, if it tastes good and has good things in it and he'll eat it, it works.
So today, with the extra things I had around including tofu, peaches, butternut squash, and spinach. We had made 3, sort of different dishes, in 1 food processor bowl. Handy, isn't it? Actually, it's laziness and a shear disdain for doing dishes. (is disdain the right word? Anyone? Mrs. Feeney? Are you there?)
So, here's how it started: Put your baby monster down for a nap, because you know he is pesky, he'll be under your feet and whining at you to pick him up so he can stick his fingers in the food processor...while it's running (which is actually impossible, but you get the point). Then put squash in the oven with a little bit of water in the bottom @ 350 for about an hour to get it cooked.
Do you like the nice picture of my oven, and blurry squash? I know, I am a great photographer, thank you. |
While you are waiting for it to cook, put the peaches and tofu in the food processor and mix.
Then take out a few spoonfuls for a protein packed fruit serving.
Then add in spinach and a little bit of squash.
Mmmmm, yum! |
Mix again and fill the other 1/2 of the initial tray.
It looks good, right? |
Fill the rest of the tray... |
Then find a place in your very organized freezer where the tray can be level so your cubes don't get lopsided. I'm glad my freezer was so organized so I don't look unprofessional while I'm showing you this, because that would be SO embarrassing! |
Then, add another can of peaches, and the balance of the squash (now would be a great time to add brown rice if you can remember...I didn't remember. I knew I was forgetting something). And mix. Then grab a taste, because if you won't eat it, neither will he.
Surprisingly good, but I just happen to like all these things anyway. |
And just when you are enjoying your creation, your baby monster will start to cry upstairs because he was awakened by the sound of you dropping the top of the food processor on the floor, and you have to go get him. And of course, he will see you making food and politely ask if he may try a bite, 'please Mama, oh please?'. Then, he does this:
'No, I was just kidding Mama, it's green...No fank you' |
'Well, what is it I taste in there? Is that peaches?' |
'And a touch of spinach...' |
'This is so embarrassing, stop taking my picture...' |
I guess, I could stomach it. |
Hey Mama, that's pretty good after all! |
Then you load up a mini muffin dish because you made too much for the ice cube trays that you had to borrow from your mother-in-law because you had none... (Thank you Gloria!) |
...all with this guy under your feet looking for a handout. |
And then he went and made this mess and now, when it's time to clean up, he's no where to be found... =) |
Thank you.
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