Is this for you?!

This is for you, if you have the following: a sense of humor, understanding of sarcasm, if you aren't easily offended by what is reality in my world and if you like to follow someone else's life so you don't have to think about the pile of laundry, sink full of dirty dishes, overflowing trashcans, unkempt lawn, dusty surfaces and unswept floors at your own house! Oh, and if you can handle this girl referring to herself in the 3rd person...(see, not for everyone!) This is not for you if: you can't handle all of the above (and more). For those of you who can, welcome to my world friends! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bachelorette Weekend...+1

My weekends have changed considerably in the last year.  Before, when I was by myself for the weekend, I'd go have drinks with friends, knit or sew or do something that I wanted to do.  Anymore, working full time, I spent my weekend birthday shopping for 2, planning and organized a baptism, and running all of our much needed errands.

If you are a full time working mother-take a moment and pat yourself on the back.  I am working 2 months full time, then back to my part time schedule and I am barely keeping my head above water.  If this is your daily grind, you amaze me and kudos to you! I do not know how you do it everyday.  I am not cut out for this  full time madness, no way, no how.  I cannot wait until July 1, when I go back to part time and can catch up.  But I will refuse to let go of this new cleaning lady I have obtained...she's a keeper!

Guyface and I were on our own as Daddy went to 'Louisiana to pick up a sheep'.  When he got home this morning (@ 445am after driving 30 hours straight there and back) he was without said sheep... WHAT?!  30 hours+ of driving Ford F-350 diesel truck plus inefficient trailer=4.5/mi gal and no sheep?  No frickin' way!  But ladies and gentlemen, it's the God's truth, he came back without the ram.

They did bring back 18 Ewes (for all you city folk-which I'm guessing in the vast majority of you, Ewe= mama sheep or grown female) and one Ram (think stud sheep) for collection at the University of Minnesota.

We're not evening going to go in to the collection process-mostly because I can't tell you that much about it, yet.  The end result though, is artificial insemination-again, I won't got there.

So what was my bachelorette weekend like?  Well when it's bachelorette +1, its much more exciting (depending on where you are in life I suppose).  We ran errands on Friday night until about 830, then Saturday morning, I had a 'babysitter' so I could go to Biggest Sister's soccer game and run the rest of my errands. It was FREEZING!  But I am a committed step-mother (as my dad, step-dad, if you must was to me) and I do everything I can to support them, just as he set the example for me.  Including cutting their toenails-which I despise. I don't remember him cutting my toenails, but I do know that he had to sit though dance recitals and what not.  I will be drawing the line at loose teeth, but I digress...

 We got a lot accomplished this weekend including the purchase of tomato plants, pepper plants, cilantro and hanging baskets...oh, and a blueberry bush.  They all still need planted, on my porch, where those pesky rabbits cannot get to them.  My 13 pound guard dog didn't work out so well exterminating the rabbits around here. With all the money I have spent this year, I am committed to my garden (much more than the waddling pregnant me of last summer-that was just stupid).  I have images of making baby food in my food processor swirling around in my head-yeah right! I'll take pictures once I weed my garden...someday....when it's not to hot, not too cold and not too wet.  Someday.

Anyway, this weekend Guyface had another special visitor, Bob, my dad.  He as driving back from Wyoming for work and wanted to drop by to see the little tyke.  Bob had never met him before, much like my older brother-come on guys, get it together! =)  Anyway, it was an interesting visit and the little guy seemed pretty impressed with the big guy, and vice versa.

'Mama, who is this??'

Knuckle sandwich-he liked it.

I think they liked each other
I had to put this in, it was taken a few weeks ago, but look at that face!  Gimme mama some gums Guy!
Watching the Cardinals game with Daddy before bed-this boy already loves his hat, his Mama is going to be in trouble when he's older. I think he'd sleep in it already if he could.

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