Is this for you?!

This is for you, if you have the following: a sense of humor, understanding of sarcasm, if you aren't easily offended by what is reality in my world and if you like to follow someone else's life so you don't have to think about the pile of laundry, sink full of dirty dishes, overflowing trashcans, unkempt lawn, dusty surfaces and unswept floors at your own house! Oh, and if you can handle this girl referring to herself in the 3rd person...(see, not for everyone!) This is not for you if: you can't handle all of the above (and more). For those of you who can, welcome to my world friends! Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Invincible...(I was)

Hello, my name is Laura, and I'm no longer invincible.  I have realized this for 3 days now.  I'm taking it one day at a time...

Do we all come to a point in our lives where it is blatantly obvious that we are no longer invincible?  I have had 5 of these moments in the last 6 months.  Sheesh, I get the point already, you can stop!  They are as follows, be warned, not all of them are pretty.  In fact, I don't think one of them is.

1.  I had 4 cavities filled yesterday morning, FOUR.  1 of which I got filled with no Novocaine, yeah I was invincible, right?  GAH!  Wrong!  She said they were small, but they were there.  It was embarrassing.  And more embarrassing to admit, that I hadn't been to the dentist in 6 years (maybe more, but certainly since I moved to Iowa).  My reason: they never got anything when they scraped off my teeth when I did go, so the appointment was like 15 minutes in the chair.  A quick polish with that nasty, gritty, mint-type toothpaste (the smell of it makes me gag, in fact, the thought of the smell of it makes me gag) and I was out of there!  Not to mention the fact that my dad bartered meat for dental work (among other products/services around town) our entire lives and we never paid a penny to go to the dentist.  You want WHAT for a cleaning?!  Here, how about this, I knit, would you like a sweater or something? GAH!

2.  A ganglian cyst.  This isn't nearly as disgusting as it could be, but it still freaks me out.  It's a bump that stick out on my right index finger.  I attribute it to my excessive knitting habit.  Either way, on the internet (yes it is a self-diagnosis how else do you diagnose yourself?!) it says you're suppose to smash your finger with a book, the cyst will explode and you'll be fine.  Or, you can try to use a heating pad to soothe it.  I suppose I could just go see a doctor, but again, I would have to pay and my half Jewish (no offense if you're Jewish, I fully respect this sterotype!) step-dad taught me that we don't do that... (I know what you're thinking, "GREAT excuse".  I know, thank you! I appreciate your support.)

3.  Near death experience (you can take this for what is, if you're male, you might want to skip to number 4.)  I had complications with the birth of our son.  I was fine right after, then 5 days later, I was NOT OK.  I required another 3 days in the hospital and some reconstruction among other things.  I have NEVER been in so much pain in my life (thanks to the epidural when I had Graham!). It was the MOST HUMBLING experience of my life.  I didn't get to see my baby, my body wasn't working correctly (and I wasn't sure it ever was going to again-rest assured, I'm back in business now!) and I was terrified.  Honestly scared that I was going to die.  I laid there by myself for a long time (in between visits from my husband) reflecting on my life, what really mattered and the entire time, all I could take was regular Tylenol and Ibuprofen or the problem would get worse. At the time, I had not yet come to grips with the fact that I might just be a mere mortal. It was miserable.  But we did get to skip that whole 'post partum depression' thing, so I did catch a break there! =)  Who has time for that crap when you're already dying?

4.  When I get up, I can't just run and do things anymore, I need to stretch-who stretches?  Really, I'm 28, come on?  I get out of bed in the morning and crack and pop like an 80 year old woman. My ankles are usually sore, as are my hands (again, arthritis in them for years now).  I have a pretty good feeling that my fingers will be gnarly (and possibly more ganglian...) by the time I'm 40.  Does this change anything?  Why of course not!  I still knit, click away at the computer and do other things with my hands.  But one thing I do NOT do is crack my knuckles, so I'm going to be just fine (right?  Oh, that's just an old wives' tale? DANG!)

5.  Lack of Sleep-Oprah says that a lack of sleep makes you feel and look old (I swear, she said it on her show today).  I find I sleep a lot lighter now that GuyFace is around. Not that I always get up when he cries, but I still am awake and I hear him.  He's been sick, and when he's sick, he's like any guy with the 'Man-Cold' -miserable and he wants the closest female to hear about it! Incessantly. 

I'm normally not a complainer-wait, if you know me, that's not true either...  But these few moments have made me come to realize, I'm not invincible. I very well could be mortal.  I do need to maintain myself, so that I can take care of others (mostly my family, but not limited to Brady, GuyFace and the girls, oh and my dog Lou, too).  I hope you're taking care of you, and if you aren't trust me, these 'Ah-Ha moments' some of them hurt, so do try to avoid catastrophes and make time for you!  (What?! I'm pretending I make time for me, isn't that close enough!?)  =) 

OK, here's what you want to see new pictures of my guy...I won't make you wait any longer:
Little brothers ARE awesome baby!  Love that smile!

My first Easter basket...I wish I could show a picture of the girls too, they looked BEAUTIFUL!  Their outfits coordinated with GuyFace's outfit. I have the best picture of the three of them smiling-if you have more than 2 children, you know how difficult this is...

Grandma Jan sent me a bunny

This is Brady's Grandpa Fred, he's showing me (and my cavities and my ganglian cyst) pictures of his 'Lady Friend'. YEAH Fred! The secret to longevity: keeping up with the opposite sex at any age!  Go FRED!

GuyFace and his Great Grandpa Fred.  Aren't they sweet?!


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