First though, we tried peaches after our morning oatmeal...
'What the hell are you trying to feed me mama?' |
'That is nasty, I'm not talkin' to you-where's my damn oatmeal?' |
'Nope, still don't like it Mama' |
So, we got cleaned up, got all our crap packed up to head out for our Friday errands. These errands are no joke, they generally run from the hours of 9am-4pm and span geography from Ames to Waukee. Fridays frame my life: complete insanity including screaming baby and road rage (which would include flying the bird. What?! I have a license...).
As I was pulling out of the driveway, a funny number showed up on my caller ID...I answered (which I don't generally do if I don't recognize the number). Something told me I should, but I shouldn't have... Sure enough, it was Biggest Sister's school calling. Mom couldn't be reached, Dad couldn't be reached, so they were on to Evil Step-Mother. Luckily, I could be reached...and I was on my way to Ames. The school nurse says Biggest Sister has "Pink-eye"-GAH! SICK! Super contagious and I am not a fan of 'eye-boogers' (on humans, dogs, or any other living thing for that matter). They make me gag...really. (Note, Items that make me gag: dentist office toothpaste, eye-boogers and loose teeth...)
So I tell the school nurse I'll be there in 8 minutes. And I was. In the meantime, I called her mom and left a voicemail that I had said child (and why) just in case anyone wanted to know. Then I proceeded to call the Dr's office to get this girl an appointment. So with Biggest Sister and GuyFace, in to the clinic we go. I feel like I'm here every week! Drumroll please: AND IT's: pinkeye! Ding ding ding! After a sucker and a sticker, we're outta there!
On to the the Pharmacy for 'the stinging drops'. I had a coupon, being the thrifty shopper I am (thank you Mickie), and made $6.00 on the transaction-I figure it paid for my gas to pick up Biggest Sister and run her around. Plus, I needed to stop at Target anyway. So then I dragged both children on the rest of my errands.
We stopped by Daddy's office (to eat our lunch from Panera, change a diaper and get some warm water for a bottle). All of this transpiring at like 130pm (why yes, I was trying to starve Biggest Sister, thank you for asking. It's what Evil Step-Mother's do.). Then, one of the guys in the office told Biggest Sister that 'the only way you get Pinkeye is from licking toilets'. Biggest Sister is much more sensitive than Big Sister and almost started to cry (Big Sister, @ 4 yrs old, would have told him where to go...she's funny! I'm convinced this is my influence-nurture, not nature baby! That's my girl! Biggest Sister, not so much-she's nice, I didn't get to her soon enough.). I'm sure she'll go home and tell her mom that, then I'll have to explain...
We got back to the house about 35 minutes before Step-Dad was to pick up Biggest Sister, so I decided to quickly dust and vacuum the house while I had someone here to distract GuyFace. That worked well until Step-Dad showed up only after I had the main level completed. I was moving so fast I was sweating when he got to the door. When he came in, I said, "the maid comes on Fridays, she has this pesky little boy she brings with her, it's hard to get anything done, so it was nice to have someone to distract him" (as I'm holding the vacuum and sweating...profusely). He just looked at me funny-guess he missed the fact that I'm 'the maid'... (is my humor that hard to get, or just not funny? Maybe most people just aren't so cynical or sarcastic and I'm weird. I sure don't think I'm weird...)
Long story short, we don't have pinkeye, yet, peaches are not a good idea and I hired someone to clean my house starting Monday. I am happy to be able to help now that mom got a new job that sounds like it will be taking more of her time. That's part of the reason I was working part-time in the first place. Sometimes I miss the 'power suit', but when these children grow up as successful, productive members of society, that will be when I receive my pay. I do love them, ALL of them...
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